Tuesday, June 24, 2014

National Anti-Vivisection Society

"Advancing Science Without Harming Animals"

We have a responsibility, I think, to do no harm.

There is an organization called the National Anti-Vivisection Society (NAVS) which helps in this effort. What I like about NAVS is, not only their action on behalf of animals, but the promotion of science without harming animals in the process. It's a win/win proposition.

You can read more about NAVS and their mission here:


I was so proud to receive news, yesterday, that one of my photos won Honorable Mention in NAVS' Art for Animals 2014 competition. Here's a rough shot of my photo with the certificate.

To have such recognition from a group like NAVS is pretty amazing. I wanted to share the good news with you and also turn your attention to such a wonderful group.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Vote for my photo design on the Minted page. By the way, if you haven't discovered Minted, check them out. Fabulous.

Vote for my
design on minted.
see more from Jennifer Sturch
vote for me!
Check out my competition in Christmas cards and Save the Date cards at Minted.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

I'm Baaaaaack!!!

It's been a long time since I've posted anything. Sorry for the hiatus. But I'm back to blogging, so, here we go.

First thing to mention is my new portfolio site. It's very simple, just some photos and my contact info:

Now for the thought for the day with photos.

Try to see something new in things you see every day. Try to pick yourself up out of complacency about your surroundings. Venture into new knowledge. Consider this:

Sometimes the prickly "mean "thing

is sustenance to another (look closely).

And sometimes these "prickly mean things" have an innate beauty all their own. Just because they hurt to touch doesn't mean they're "bad". It just means they have their own destiny. Let them be. And enjoy from afar.

 And notice how the prickly surface can bloom into a plush, soft pom-pom. Some creatures take paths different from the "norm" to reach the same conclusion.